These are my most recent projects

Image of Covid-19 Virus
Covid-19/Airport Data Website

This project was part of the Team Software Engineering module which was taken in the second year of my course. The aim of this project was to see if there was A direct relationship between COVID-19 infection cases and the number of incoming flights.

Unfortunately, the website is no longer publicly pubished.

Image of Medications
Third Year Project: Medication Reminder Application

This project is based around the idea that people are likely to forget to take their medications, with the aim of creating a mobile application to remind these people to take their medications and storing information about when/if they have taken them.

Image of someone performing sign language
Fourth Year Project: British Sign Language Translator

Currently in the process of being built, the program will use computer vision and machine learning processes to translate British Sign Language fingerspelling.

Experience in

- C++

- C#

- Google Cloud


- Matlab

- Python


Currently Learning

- Java

- JavaScript

- Kotlin

Overall Grades:

BSc in Computer Science: 1st
MComp in Computer Science: TBC

Grades by module:


- Algorithms And Complexity: 1st

- Computer Architectures: 1st

- Maths for Computing: 1st

- Object-Oriented Programming: 1st

- Operating Systems: 1st

- Problem Solving: 2:1

- Programming Fundamentals: 1st


- Artificial Intelligence: 2:1

- Advanced Programming: 1st

- Cloud Computing: 2:1

- Network Fundamentals: 1st

- Scaleable Database Systems: 2:2

- Team Software Engineering: 2:1

- User Experience Design: 2:1


- Big Data: 1st

- Logic And Computation: 1st

- Machine Learning: 1st

- Parallel Programming: 1st

- Project: 1st

- Virtual And Augmented Reality: 1st


- Advanced Programming (MSc): Distinction

- Computer Vision (MSc): N/a

- Cross-Platform Development (M): N/a

- Image Processing (M): Distinction

- MComp Research Project: N/a

Image of Microsoft Certification Badge
MTA Software Development Fundamentals

This certification from Microsoft is evidence of my core software development skills, using C#.

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Image of Microsoft Certification Badge
MTA Introduction To Programming Using Python

This certification from Microsoft is evidence of my programming skills, using python.

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Image of First Aid Symbol
Student First Aid

This certification from Singleton is evidence of my ability to perform first aid.

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Image of Microsoft Certification Badge
Lincoln Award

This certification from The University of Lincoln is evidence of my development in a professional capacity..

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Image of Recipe Book
Command Line Based Recipe App

I am currently developing a command line recipe book application, which allows users to view, add and edit their recipes.

Wordle Solver Application

In early 2022, the game wordle became highly popular. I made this application to use a basic algorithm that 'solves' the game.

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Image of HTML Code
This Website

I created this website through the use of tutorials, learning HTML, CSS and bootstrap along the way!


My main hobby is to bake. I love baking a variety of things and learning to bake different items. I have been baking since I was 11 years old, baking cakes and scones. Now I bake a wider variety of things, like brownies, pastries and on the odd occasion fudge.

Image of Gaming Devices

Another one of my hobbies is to play computer games. I love to play games, whether it be on one of my consoles or on my PC. I find that it de-stresses me after a long days work and allows me to relax for the evening or weekend.